Nemat Khansari

Editor-in-chief of Vaccine & Vaccination at MediCrave Journal

Dr. Nemat Khansari, a Ph.D. Iranian native was awarded his D.V.M. degree from Tehran University, School of Veterinary Medicine (1970), Tehran, Iran. After six years of practice in Tehran in 1975, he immigrated to the US. Dr. Khansari earned his M.S. degree and his Ph.D. in Immunology from the University of Illinois (1981), Urbana, IL. He was then offered a post- doctoral position in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical Sciences University of South Carolina, Charleston, SD, where he published 17 articles in well-respected journals like Sciences magazine. He also earned a clinical pathology certificate. In 1983, he became Cellular Division Director at IMREG, Inc. in New Orleans, LU. In this position, he directed research on Imreg I and Imreg II, purified endogenous immunomodulators to be applied for treating and managing HIV infection. From 1985 to 1995, he served as an assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Medical Science at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. In this position, in addition to teaching immunology, he directed research in the field of aging immunology and re-juvenescence of aged mice using growth hormone and other immunomodulators. In 1990, he returned to Tehran and accepted a Deputy Director position at the Iranian Pasteur Institute, where he established the Biotechnology division. Dr. Khansari also served as Research Deputy Managing Director of the Iranian Blood Bank. From 1991 to 2009, he served as Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Immunology at Tehran Medical School. Dr. Khansari, from 2002 to 2006, served as an Iranian Vice President’s Biotechnology & Biosafety advisor, Chairman of the Biotechnology and Biodiversity Committee, Iranian Environmental Protection Organization, Elected member (Asia and Oceania representative) of the Compliance Committee for CBN Biosafety Protocol, and Biosafety Expert for CBD, UNEP. After retirement from Medical School in 2006, he returned to the US and became Director of the NK-Immunotherapy Laboratory in Orange County, CA, from 2013 to 2021. At the same time, Nemat served as Director of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory of the Gandhi Hotel-Hospital in Tehran, Iran. In 2020, Nemat was elected as a member of the Board of Directors and became the Chairman of the Board of Gandhi General Hotel Hospital from 2020 to 2022. Nemat is concurrently Director of Sattarkhan Medical Laboratory in Tehran, Iran, and serves as Chief Editor of Vaccine & Vaccination Open Journal. He has published 92 research articles in English journals, 20 in Iranian journals, and 12 books (in Biotechnology and Immunology) in Farsi.